
3 Ways Saturn in Sagittarius Affects Us

Saturn entered Sagittarius on December 30, 2014, and will finish its transit on December 20, 2017. This is a time of intense transformation for everyone. Saturn’s influence can push us to be more goal-oriented and focus on long-term self improvement.

Saturn’s energy inspires us to work on our personal growth and take responsibility for our actions. It forces us to look inward and ask ourselves some tough questions. Are we living authentically? Are we upholding out personal truths and living by them? It is a time to be critical of ourselves, our lifestyle, and the company we keep. But this doesn’t have to be an intimidating or self deprecating process. If you know what to expect, you can use this energy to your advantage. Here’s what to expect for the remainder of Saturn’s time in Sagittarius:

  1. Things might feel like they’re slowing down.

Have you felt like progress towards your goals has been slow? Does it occasionally seem like you’re taking one step up and two steps back? Saturn’s transit through Sagittarius can make things feel like they’re moving very slowly, like you’re taking small steps instead of giant leaps. Don’t get discouraged! Enjoy the process, celebrate all of your hard work, and keep your head up. Change almost never happens overnight, so take your time and don’t rush. Remember to treat this time as a marathon, not a spring-you don’t need to expend all your energy on racing for the finish line right away. Stay in control, pace yourself, and eventually, you’ll achieve the success you always dreamed about.

  1. We feel the need for control.

When Saturn is in Sagittarius, we may go through periods of time when we want to gain control over every area of our lives. This can help us make positive changes-for example, we might start working ahead on assignments, organize our homes, or take a serious look at our finances. However, this can also be negative. We might feel the need to control other people in our lives, and this can cause some serious tension in our relationships with friends and family. In the end, we have to realize that the only people we can truly control are ourselves. Everyone is on their own path, and we need to allow Saturn’s energy to help us focus on ourselves.

  1. We think before we speak.

This is one of the most beneficial aspects of Saturn’s presence in Sagittarius. As previously mentioned, Saturn’s influence causes us to move a little slower. We take a little extra time to mull over our thoughts, thinking over our ideas deeply before sharing them with others. We don’t feel the need to blurt something out on impulse-instead, we consider its impact on the listener before opening our mouths. Practice being mindful of what you say, and watch the positive impact this has on your relationships. Say what you mean, mean what you say, and watch how your honesty effects those around you.



  1. lesleyann

    July 14, 2016 at 11:51 AM

    I’ve felt blocked for a while now and now I know why, thankyou, x x

  2. lesleyann

    July 14, 2016 at 11:55 AM

    I’ve felt blocked for a while now and now I know why, thankyou,thought I was losing it lol. X x ❤

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