
4 Things You’ll Notice When Mars is in Sagittarius

Mars entered Sagittarius on January 3, where it will remain until September 27. Because Sagittarius is a fire sign, this placement intensifies the effects of Mars-there’s no way we can ignore its impact during this stretch.

Mars in Sagittarius often stimulates conflict. This can be good or bad depending on how we approach these conflicts. Regardless, it is a difficult time for many people. We may all be feeling a bit more emotional than usually, and these emotions are typically not very positive. It’s important to know what to expect so that we know how to process these feelings-here are four ways that Mars in Sagittarius effects us:

  1. You’ll feel even more passionate about your strongly held beliefs.

You might usually consider yourself an open minded person, but when Mars is in Sagittarius, that could change. Even if you generally like to hear opposing points of view and challenge your own perspective, you may suddenly feel hostile towards the opinions of others and find yourself unwilling to critically analyze your own beliefs-no matter how strong their arguments are. Remember, it never hurts to take a step back and reexamine the truths you once held dear-this is how we grow and change for the better.

  1. You will probably experience some tension with those you are close to.

Even if you usually agree with your friends on most topics, you might suddenly find yourself picking apart their points of view, or you might be annoyed that they’re doing the same to you. Watch out for petty arguments that could spiral into larger conflicts. If you focus on keeping a clear head and challenge yourself to stay open minded and civil, you can navigate these conflicts with ease.

  1. People will be feeling angrier in general-both on a personal and global scale.

Heated debates with family members, old issues between friends being dug up and used against each other, political cat-fights, even acts of violence…sadly, these are all common occurrences during Mars in Sagittarius. It’s a very tense time all over the world, and we have been seeing the evidence of this all year. There has been an increase in violent attacks, and we are struggling with exactly how to begin mending these issues. People are feeling very divided, but we need fight against this negative energy and begin to focus on uniting, regardless of how difficult it may seem.

  1. All of this negativity will probably leave you feeling mentally exhausted.

Fighting with those you love, being on the defensive at all times, seeing all the conflict and violence across the world in the news each day-all of this can make a negative impact on our minds and bodies. Make sure that you’re taking care of yourself. Get your eight hours of sleep and drink your eight glasses of water. One of the best ways to work through negative is by exercising, which releases endorphins that can help us feel happier. Meditation, yoga, and taking the time to relax can help us all get through this difficult time.

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