
Feeling Optimistic With Mercury Square Jupiter

Ever struggle with optimism? It can be hard to keep your head up day in and day out. We live in a crazy and unpredictable world, so how can look on the bright side when things seem so bad some days? It can be a big struggle-there’s no denying it. So don’t feel bad if you feel like you can’t always put on a happy face. There’s no shame in feeling down every once in a while. Maybe you get upset when you watch the news, or maybe dealing with certain issues in your life has been dragging you down lately. Whatever the reason, it’s okay to feel that way.

Certain planets can occasionally help us get into a better mood. One of these planets is Jupiter. On February 2, Mercury forms a square aspect with Jupiter. Here’s what to expect.

  1. You’ll feel exceptionally optimistic.

It makes this aspect the perfect time for planning! When we’re really feeling Jupiter’s influence, we just know that something good is about to come our way-it’s like a promise from the universe, and we can always tell it’s coming. It’s the best feeling when you know that something awesome is in your future. Jupiter always gives us that vibe, so this aspect means your optimism will be fulfilled!

  1. Break out that planner!

As you saw in the last tip, this is a great time for making plans. Your optimistic energy is running high, so you’ll be ready to plan something great for the future. It’s time to break down your schedule and rearrange things so that you’re working efficiently and productively. Why not plan something extra for yourself that’s meant to be a treat? You’ll feel awesome if you grant yourself an opportunity to relax and have fun-and stay committed to it!

  1. Don’t overpromise things to other people.

Optimism can be one crazy drug. It’s great to look on the bright side, but you also need to keep yourself in check. Don’t promise things to other people that you can’t follow up on. Be realistic about what you commit to and what you think you can actually do. You don’t have to promise someone the world, and you don’t have to tackle a million things all on your own-so don’t even try. Do your best to help other people, but remember never to make a promise that you can’t realistically keep.

  1. You’ll have a few days of smooth sailing.

Square aspects can be tough because the square means that energy is blocked. But since one part of this square is Jupiter, which always brings positive energy, this effect will be reduced somewhat. This makes this particular aspect fairly neutral in terms of overall positive or negative impact. Enjoy this while it lasts! You may still face some challenges during this time, so don’t completely let your guard down, but you probably won’t have to deal with anything overwhelming. Enjoy your happy optimism and spread some positivity to other people!

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