
Sun Opposite Uranus: Expect the Unexpected

When we talk about the sun in regards to astrology, we usually talk about zodiac signs (also known as sun signs) or the sun being in a particular sign. But on October 15, the sun will be opposite Uranus-which probably sounds a little out of the ordinary! And make no mistake, this aspect will definitely shake things up. This aspect has the power to cause major changes in your life. In fact, some might find it similar to what they experience during an eclipse! Here are a few things to keep in mind for the coming weekend:

  1. Expect the unexpected.

When the sun moves opposite Uranus, it throws all of the rules out the window. Try your best to let go of all expectations you had for the next few weeks, because your life has the potential to change in an instant. You have to be ready for anything when the sun is opposite Uranus!

  1. Don’t resist change.

Changes are bound to occur-and they could be major. Do your best to adapt to whatever comes your way and go with the flow, no matter how hard it is. Resisting these changes will only make things more difficult with you in the long run. Don’t try to hold on to the past-be ready for the future.

  1. Keep an open mind.

When things change, we usually end up thinking of the past. We may wish we could go back to better days, when things were simpler and we were happier. But you never know what these new changes could mean for you. You don’t want to get stuck in a rut and resist change. Something that seems awful at the time could turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to you, so be open minded about wherever life is taking you!

  1. Don’t try to control others.

Other people will be going through dramatic changes during this time-remember, this aspect isn’t just affecting you, so everyone around you might be adjusting to new circumstances, too. Keep that in mind when people act in ways that you may not understand. You can’t control the future, and you can’t control other people, either. It’s not worth your energy to try to do so. Focus on your own life and keep your eyes on the path in front of you instead of telling other people how to navigate theirs.

  1. Embrace the unknown.

The next few weeks could be a wild ride. You might lose someone that you care about, you might change your career, you might meet somebody who changes your life. It’s a ton of pressure, and sometimes we can’t understand why the universe causes these things to happen to us. We’ll never figure out exactly why the planets send these changes our way, but although we can’t control what happens to us, we can absolutely control how we react to it. When the sun moves opposite Uranus, you need to embrace the unknown and learn to enjoy this crazy ride!

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