
The Full Moon in Cancer: An Emotional Moment

When the full moon comes around, even people who aren’t into astrology sometimes take notice. Have you ever had a day where you felt like everyone was acting insane, and one of your friends commented that it must be the full moon? Seems like the full moon has a reputation for making everyone go a little crazy! Well, sometimes that’s true. But sometimes, it’s actually totally false. The influence of the full moon depends on the sign that it’s in. On January 12, the full moon will be in Cancer. And the good news is that this particular full moon will NOT drive you crazy. In fact, it can really inspire you to act in positive ways! Here a few things you can expect under the full moon in Cancer:

  1. It could “open the floodgates.”

Okay, quick correction-this full moon might make you feel a little emotionally unstable, but it’s for a good reason. Since Cancer is a sign that is very concerned with family relationships, you might feel either very positive or very negative towards your family right now, depending on things have been going lately. And if you’ve been feeling negatively, you might get worked up enough to say something. But it can be helpful for actually working things out and solving the problem.

  1. You should call your parents!

Or if you don’t have a great relationship with your parents, call another relative, or a close friend who practically feels like family. This is a great time to connect with the people who are truly important to you. Sometimes in our crazy hectic lives, we forget to reach out to the people who matter most. It’s a shame, but it’s unfortunately reality. So during the Cancer full moon, make sure to let everyone who you care about know just how much they have affected your life in a positive way.

  1. Take care of yourself!

Cancer is a very maternal sign. So under this full moon, you might be feeling more caring than usual. This will usually extend to other people, but do your best to practice self care too! You definitely need it-and it’s probably what your mom would want! So go ahead and take a nice long bubble bath, take a personal day off from work, eat tons of healthy food, and treat yourself to a glass of wine at the end of a tough day-you have definitely earned it!

  1. Spread some compassion around.

Cancer is one of the most caring and compassionate signs. Under the full moon, you might feel a sudden burst of compassion towards everyone around you. Do your best to spread all those good feelings to everyone you meet! Even just being friendly and saying hi to people can really make someone’s day! So why not reach out and be a little kinder to the people you encounter on a daily basis? Hey, maybe you’ll convince a few people that the full moon doesn’t make everyone crazy after all!

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