
Why You Need to Know Your Moon Sign

When we think of our “zodiac sign,” we’re thinking of our sun sign. Most people know their sun sign and a few facts about how it influences them. Our sun sign is what we look to when we’re checking our horoscopes or thinking about compatibility with a potential partner.

Our sun sign can give us a pretty thorough idea of how the stars influence our personalities. But if you’ve ever felt that it doesn’t quite give you the whole picture, you’re right. Maybe you’ve noticed that some common traits of your sign just don’t hold true for you, or you feel that sometimes, you feel more connected to a different sign.

When you look up your full birth chart, you’ll notice that you also have a moon sign. This represents the sign of the zodiac the moon was in at the time of your birth. It’s usually different from your sun sign, and it can reveal things about you that your sun sign doesn’t. Learning your moon sign can help you explore a whole new side of your personality-here’s why:

  1. Your moon sign is all about your inner being.

Your sun sign influences what you show to the world, but your moon sign reveals a side of you that others may not see. If your sun sign represents your exterior self, your moon sign represents your interior.

  1. It represents your unconscious.

Learning about the influence of your moon sign can help you figure out things you may not have known about yourself. You might discover areas where you want to change and improve, or realize why you’ve always felt or acted a certain way.

  1. It provides balance.

We’re always concerned with how others see us. We think about how we look, how we sound, and how they view our actions. But getting in touch with your moon sign can help you figure out who you truly are inside and worry a little less about what others think of you.

  1. It can help us conquer things we’re scared of.

Maybe we try to push certain personality traits under or behaviors that we wish we could change. Everyone has parts of themselves that they’re ashamed of, and we want to hide them from the world. But when you learn about your moon sign’s influence and get in touch with your inner being, you’ll be able to confront these behaviors head on and learn to love your whole self for who you truly are.

  1. It reveals the big picture.

If you only know your sun sign, you only see a few of the ways astrology can affect you. Knowing your moon sign in addition to your sun sign gives you a better portrait of how the stars influence your life. This can be helpful when you’re looking towards the astrological forecast for the coming months and wondering how to approach them based on your birth chart.

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