
Your Guide to Staying Sane During the Full Moon

Ever have a strange day and struggle to figure out what’s throwing you off…until the sun sets and you realize there’s a full moon? The full moon is known for throwing people off kilter and making everyone feel a little bit crazy. This is because the presence of the full moon stirs up a ton of emotional energy, which can manifest in negative ways. People might feel angry, upset, or combative without realizing why, which can easily lead to conflict. This can be a very tense time of the month. But you don’t have to spend the whole day stuck in a rut! Here’s your guide to staying sane during the next full moon:

  1. Take advantage of that restless energy.

The full moon can make us feel a bit antsy. Go ahead and work it out of your system-go for a long run or a day hike if you can’t stand the idea of being cooped up indoors. Get messy and creative with arts and crafts if you need to express yourself. Turn that restlessness into something productive and see what happens! You just might surprise yourself.

  1. Write all about it.

Feeling frustrated with something or someone? Instead of taking those negative emotions out on someone else, grab your journal and tell it all to the blank pages. Scribble all your thoughts down to help make sense of those feelings and avoid the conflicts that the full moon tends to cause.

  1. Relax!

There is no better time to spend a day just chilling out. Sign up for a restorative yoga class, set aside a chunk of time to meditate on everything you’re feeling, soak in a warm bubble bath, and go to bed early for a good night’s sleep. Taking time to yourself to relax and simply be during this emotionally charged time can help you deal with the full moon’s energy in a healthy way

  1. Plan wisely.

Be careful about what you schedule for the day of the full moon. If you can help it, try to avoid scheduling important meetings, whether it’s business or personal. You don’t want to risk any negative emotions or tense conversations affecting your relationships with employers, colleagues, or family and friends. This doesn’t mean you have to be a recluse-just be careful who you choose to connect with, as miscommunication is common during this time.

  1. Do a good deed.

We attract what we put out into the universe. If we dwell in negativity during the full moon, we will only attract more negativity. It can be difficult to rise above these feelings, but doing something positive will influence those around you. Why not bake a batch of cupcakes to share with friends, leave a bigger tip than usual if you go out to eat, or leave a surprise love note on your significant other’s pillow?



  1. soobiya anssr

    June 24, 2016 at 9:00 PM

    Excellent article

  2. lesleyann

    June 26, 2016 at 1:02 AM

    Great stuff, thankyou, have a good day, lesleyann. X

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