
Your Ruling Planet Revealed!

When it comes to astrology, every sign is ruled by a planet. You will read articles about how a planet is in retrograde and how that affects some aspect of your life. Your ruling planet or planets hold the secret key to your character and your zodiac sign. In this article, you will learn just what each planet is that rules over your sign and how that fits into your style and personality.


There ten planets that hover over the zodiac signs.
• Saturn
• Jupiter
• Mars
• Venus
• Mercury
• Moon
• Sun
• Pluto
• Neptune
• Uranus

Saturn: Saturn, the god of time and known in Greek mythology as Kronos is the taskmaster of the Zodiac and rules over the earth sign of Capricorn and the air sign Aquarius. Saturn strokes the flames under those he rules to get to work and put into the job every ounce the person can muster. Since Saturn rules over time people born with Saturn as their ruling planet, understand that time is valuable and like to have securities in place for when they get older. Saturn is above all a teacher, and that is why Capricorn and Aquarius signs are all about learning life’s lessons.

Jupiter: In Greek mythology, Jupiter is known as Zeus, and he rules over the fire sign Sagittarius and the water sign of Pisces. In Greek mythology, Zeus was able to trick his father to give back the other Gods and Titans that Kronos had devoured. Zeus’s good fortune and luck aided his success, and that is why to this day he is considered the ruler of good luck, health, success and joy just to name a few. But most importantly the act of freeing his family from his father makes Jupiter the symbol for opportunity. Signs under Jupiter’s rule, especially Sagittarius have an overly abundant feeling being special and why good luck follows them. Jupiter is the ruler of all, and it shows within the several signs in which Jupiter rules.

Mars: Mars or Ares in Greek mythology rules over Scorpio and Aries and are considered the “action” signs in the zodiac. Both Scorpio’s and Aries born are individuals with overabundant needs to be noticed and are more likely to stand up for what is right and to get things accomplished. Because Aries in mythology was known as the God of War, people with Mars at the helm of their lives are powerful and confident people, even to a fault. That is also why both signs are so hard to get along with. They are stubborn and self-assured and find it difficult to compromise.

Venus: Ah, the goddess of love herself resides over the Zodiac signs of Taurus and Libra. Venus gives the Libras the balance they crave in their lives while she drives the Taurus sign to be sensual and practical. Both signs revolve around love and understand how to express themselves well with business partners and lovers alike. Because Venus rules these signs, both have impeccable tastes when it comes to fashion and other worldly possessions and can appreciate the finer things in life while remaining level-headed and modest.

Mercury: Mercury is known in Greek mythology as Hermes and is the God of transitions and boundaries. Mercury rules over Gemini and Virgo. It is because of their ruling planet that these two signs have the ability to understand the inner workings of their minds and create a master plan to get things accomplished. Signs under Mercury are excellent communicators, and often become introverts because of their desire to understand all that is happening around and make a calculated strategy before pursuing their desires. The ruling planet Mercury is the “thinker” of the Zodiac signs.

Moon: The moon affects the tides of the ocean as well as the heart. Ever wonder why people get a little wild during a full moon? In Greek mythology, the moon is represented by Artemis, the goddess of wilderness and hunt. It is the moon that rules over Cancer. That is why people born under this sign are the “Emotional” ones of the zodiac. The moon symbolizes the nurturer which is why some consider people under the sign of Cancer to be needy. It is the moon that makes Cancer want to build a family and take care of those around them and is also why Cancers have no issues with being alone with their family and away from society.

Sun: The Sun in Greek mythology was known as Apollo- God of the Light and Truth. The Sun rules over the Zodiac sign, Leo. Because the sun is the center of the universe, this gives Leo’s their ego and mindset of being able to accomplish anything on their own. The Sun offers strength and wisdom. That is why some Leo’s will seem like a know it all. Leo’s have an inner light that constantly shines and draws other people to them.

Pluto: Pluto is the planet that is beyond our reach in the solar system, and that is why it is still to this day shrouded in secrecy and mystery. Pluto in Greek mythology is known as Hades – God of the Underworld. Aries and Scorpio are ruled by Pluto, which is why they can be very hush on what they are up to and their emotions. Those born under this planets influence are clever individuals. They know how to keep things to themselves and wait for the opportune moment before deploying their strategies in life and business.

Neptune: Neptune or Poseidon – god of the water rules over Pisces, which is Pisces are often introverts. Neptune is all about illusion and daydreams. Pisces understand what is going on around them, but want to dive into themselves for comfort and reassurance. They are the “dreamers” of the Zodiac sign and are more easily swayed by feelings of grandeur than any other sign.

Uranus: Uranus is also known as Caelus, who is the God of the Sky and rules over the Zodiac sign of Aquarius. Aquarius people often have their heads in the clouds and see things much differently than other signs. Uranus symbolizes the unexpected change in people, the upheaval that occurs and the revolution that comes when then things must change. That is why the Aquarius is so adapted at rolling with the punches and is unrestrained from the chaos of everyday life. Uranus, their ruling planet helps the Aquarius adjust accordingly and keep their wits about them.



  1. Bridget

    June 28, 2016 at 6:23 AM

    Loved this article!!

  2. Domera

    June 28, 2016 at 10:44 AM


  3. Ruta B

    June 28, 2016 at 4:35 PM

    I loved it too! Thank you 🙂

  4. Deepti

    June 29, 2016 at 3:05 AM

    Great article.appreciated it

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